ReadMe.Txt file for Params.Zip 2-1-95 [Sections] Keywords Overview Packing List Legal Stuff Author [Keywords] command line parameter parsing configuration utility [Overview] The Params and CmdLine units provide these features: consistent methods for interpreting the DOS command line permits single- and double-letter function codes handles filenames, expands wild-card specs detects syntax errors, provides error messages works with multiple sources - option string built into the program .exe option string from an external file the DOS command line The last feature makes it easy to set and change 'default' values. For example, you can put a string constant into your program that sets the initial parameters for your program, using the SAME syntax as the command line, and/or you can read the parameter string from a 'configuration' file. Then your program can scan the command line to override these defaults. Furthermore, the companion Config program allows you to write parameter strings into your program .exe file. For example, you type: config myprog /P20/Tc:\temp/Bc:\bp\bgi and afterward whenever you type myprog to run your program, it behaves as if you had typed myprog /P20 /Tc:\temp /Bc:\bp\bgi CmdLine is an OOP rewrite of Params. Skel.pas and Skel1.pas are 'skeleton' programs to help you get started. The comments in these files provide the documentation. Target.pas is a practice target to demonstrate use of Config.exe. Documentation is in Config.doc. [Packing List] Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Attr Name ------ ------ ----- ----- ---- ---- -------- ---- ---- 10957 DeflatN 3486 69% 06-16-94 21:57 0f69291a --w- PARAMS.PAS 12531 DeflatN 3816 70% 12-09-94 23:07 ff7cc005 --w- CMDLINE.PAS 4090 DeflatN 1547 63% 02-02-94 18:07 42eb3875 --w- SKEL.PAS 2273 DeflatN 1004 56% 03-24-94 10:27 484b1442 --w- SKEL1.PAS 235 DeflatN 167 29% 02-02-92 00:56 f0ec36ce --w- TARGET.PAS 8879 DeflatN 3180 65% 02-26-92 18:55 6080cf38 --w- CONFIG.DOC 6704 DeflatN 3938 42% 02-20-92 16:59 bba40721 --w- CONFIG.EXE ------ ------ --- ------- 45669 17138 63% 7 [Legal Stuff] This software and documentation is copyrighted by the author, James M. Clark (February 1995). These files are provided "as is", and no warrantee of any kind is expressed or implied. You may use them without charge. You may distribute the complete ZIP file without modification to others, but you must not charge for more than the actual cost of distributing. You may distribute the CONFIG.EXE and CONFIG.DOC files as a set but you may not modify them. You may use the source code (*.PAS files), without royalty, but you must leave the copyright notices in the PARAMS.PAS and CMDLINE.PAS files. If you have ideas for improvements, please write to me. If you add improvements that you believe will be generally useful, I would appreciate it if you would send me a copy. I will give you recognition if your improvements are incorporated in a future version. [Author] Jim Clark 71672,1755 (CompuServe)